The DDEC 13 CPC4 from 2016 DD15 with a TCM custom settings file produces the appropriate CAN messages, LIN messages and potentiometer settings to simulate a fault free environment for some CPC4 units from Detroit Diesel DD13 and DD15 engines. This settings file has the appropriate CAN messages to emulate the connection with a Transmission Control Module, Aftertreatment Control Module, and a Motor Control Module. The DDEC13 PTCAN messages are at 666 kbaud.
Newer CPC4 modules with a yellow label that come from a truck with a green cab connector will run J1939 at 500k. The means the SSS2 communications need to be set for 500k. A file from a Freightliner M2 business class truck is available as DDEC 13 CPC4 for 500k J1939 with TCM. These modules are highly customized which means testing with an exemplar is necessary to achieve a fault free downloading environment. Otherwise, the DDEC Reports diagnostic records may be compromised if fault conditions exist during the download.